Web service providing REST endpoints to interact with Assisted Tree Building Tree
You may also enjoy the interactive interface provided for this API by Swagger.
name | path | methods | description |
FamilyMembersController |
Responsible for endpoints to manage family member data for persons in Assisted Tree Building |
PedigreeController |
Responsible for the endpoints to manage pedigrees in Assisted Tree Building |
PersonController |
Responsible for endpoints related to reading/writing person data |
PipelineDataController |
QualityDataController |
RemoteLoggingController |
VersionCatalogController |
type | description |
AtbChildren | |
AtbConclusion | |
AtbConclusionDetails | |
AtbCouple | |
AtbDate | |
AtbParentCouple | |
AtbParents | |
AtbPedigree | |
AtbPerson | |
AtbPlace | |
AtbSpouse | |
AtbSpouses | |
BCulture | |
BDate | |
BFact | |
BHalfCentury | |
BName | |
BPerson | |
BPlace | |
BStandardPlace | |
BobId | |
BobSystem | |
Flag | |
FlagCount | |
FsFactType | |
GenderType | |
GraphPair | |
GraphPairEncoding | |
GraphPairNeighbor | |
GraphScore | |
InputMob | |
LogItem | |
LookupItem | |
Metric | |
MetricSearchSpec | |
MetricsLogItem | |
NameDelimiter | |
ObservedFlagCounts | |
Person | |
PersonBob | |
PersonBobList | |
PersonCard | |
PersonQualityData | |
PersonQualityDataList | |
PersonQualityFlags | |
PersonQualityFlagsList | |
PersonQualityMetrics | |
PersonQualityMetricsList | |
PreferredParent | |
PreferredParents | |
QualityDataSearchResult | |
QualityDataSearchSpec | |
SearchResult | |
SearchSpec | |
StdScript | |
TreeAttachment | |
VersionCatalogItem |